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The effectiveness of workplace smoking cessation programmes: a meta-analysis of recent studies. Selected AI-Related Dissertations Bibliography. otherwise specified, paper or microform copies of disser-tations may be ordered from University Microfilms Internation-al, Dissertation Copies, Post Office BoxAnn Arbor, MI ; telephone for US except Michigan, Hawaii, otherwise specified, paper or microform copies of disser-tations may be ordered from University Microfilms Internation-al, Dissertation Copies, Post Office BoxAnn Arbor, MI ; telephone for US except Michigan, Hawaii, Alaska : Psychographic measures and sensory consumer tests: When emotional experience and feeling-based judgments account for preferences.
An Overview of Effective Practices with Gifted Students in General-Education Settings. Approximately citations in journals dedicated to gifted studies and 83 abstracts indexed by ERIC, PsycLIT, and Dissertation s International from to the present were reviewed.
To qualify for this review, the reference needed to To qualify for this review, the reference needed to meet the following criteria: a sample included a clearly identified group of gifted students, b validity issues were considered, c qualitative or quantitative methods were clearly identified, d outcomes were related to learner or classroom changes, and e the practice could be or dissertation abstracts international online implemented in a general-education classroom.
The references were then categorized according to effective research methods, validity issues, dissertation abstracts international online, and classroom instructional practices that might be modified or changed.
These categories were used to assist researchers in planning and initiating future efficacy studies for serving gifted students in the general-education classroom.
The majority of the literatu What Do You Do When The Law Doesn't Work? Adult Educators' Role In Fighting Workplace Discrimination. Role of Discrepant Questioning Leading to Model Element Modification.
Meta-Analytic Studies of Identity Status and the Relational Issues of Attachment and Intimacy. A Decade of Doctoral Research in Nutrition. To describe North American dissertation research in human nutrition from through A census collection.
The unit of observation was the dissertation abstract submitted to Dissertation Abstracts International for the years The unit of observation was the dissertation abstract submitted to Dissertation Abstracts International for the years through Abstracts were reviewed by 2 raters who extracted pertinent data on variables describing the dissertation research e. Analyses were descriptive.
Topic areas for dissertation work reflected gender differences. Popular topics for dissertation research have changed over time; biochemical- micronutrient- and obesity-related research decreased and research in development of theoretical constructs and examination of dietary habits of selected groups increased. From through there was an increase in the proportion of female doctoral students. Female and male students varied in the type of sample studied, gender of advisers, age group of human subjects, and topics of their dissertations, dissertation abstracts international online.
Universities emphasized different topic areas and methodologies. There appears to have been an increase in areas of applied research e. The rise of qualitative research in psychology. Une étude est présentée sur la montée de la recherche qualitative en psychologie au cours du XXe siècle. Discrepant questioning is a technique in which teachers question students in dissertation abstracts international online way that This strategy prompts dissertation abstracts international online to see the contradictions in their own model.
This study focused on the analysis of small group tutoring sessions on human respiration. Individual and small group construction of mental models was analyzed after instructed with a standardized teaching sequence based on model construction and criticism theory Rea-Ramirez in Model of conceptual understanding in human respiration and strategies for instruction, Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 10B, dissertation abstracts international online, Analysis provided deeper understanding of the role discrepant questioning played in this construction of understanding and suggested new models of learning.
Suicide in deaf populations: a literature review, dissertation abstracts international online. A synthesis of psychological interventions for the bereaved. Traci Mann. Botulinum toxin for treating spasmodic dysphonia laryngeal dystonia : a systematic Cochrane review. Spasmodic dysphonia is a neurological voice disorder characterized by involuntary adductor towards midline or abductor away from midline vocal fold spasms during phonation which result in phonatory breaks. Dissertation abstracts international online toxin is currently Botulinum toxin is currently the gold standard of treatment.
To determine the efficacy of botulinum toxin therapy for the treatment of spasmodic dissertation abstracts international online. Systematic Cochrane review. The search strategy for this review complied with Cochrane standards.
We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials CENTRALMEDLINE to FebruaryEMBASE to FebruaryCINAHL through FebruaryDissertation Abstracts International to February and PsycINFO to February The search engine FirstSearch was also used February Reference lists for all the obtained studies and other review articles were examined for additional studies.
All randomized control trials where the participants were randomly allocated prior to intervention and in which botulinum toxin was compared to an alternative treatment, placebo or non-treated control group were included.
Two reviewers independently evaluated all potential studies meeting the selection criteria noted above for inclusion. Only one study in the literature met the inclusion criteria. It reported significant beneficial effects for fundamental frequency Fo dissertation abstracts international online, Fo range, spectrographic analysis, independent ratings of voice severity and patient ratings of voice improvement.
The evidence from randomized controlled trials supporting the effectiveness of botulinum toxin for management of spasmodic dysphonia is deficient. The lack of supporting dissertation abstracts international online from randomized controlled trials results in an inability to draw unbiased generalized conclusions regarding the effectiveness of botulinum toxin for all types of spasmodic dysphonia.
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A census collection. The unit of observation was the dissertation abstract submitted to Dissertation Abstracts International for the years through Only dissertations written in English with a human nutrition subject code () that lead to a PhD, DrPH, EdD, or ScD at a North American university were included (N = 2,).Author: Traci Mann Because of different challenges in writing their dissertations, many people who are in graduate school make the decision to find online thesis writers that can “ghost write” for them. This process helps to eliminate stress, guarantee professionally done work. To get proper dissertation help, look for a qualified and proven dissertation coach A dissertation is a mammoth task, and every step has its own difficulties and challenges, from creating a topic through to proofreading the finished work. Essentially, the biggest challenge of writing a full dissertation is that it is the most important piece of work you will complete at university, and for the majority of students it can be
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