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Dissertation student retention

Dissertation student retention

dissertation student retention

Dissertation Student Retention, Cheating In College Essay, Destination Wedding Dissertation, College Essay Format Example For Sociology Mar 09,  · The findings of this study indicate differences in student retention rates among the various academic discipline subgroups. Further, the results of this study indicate that both social and academic integration factors are found to be important in predicting retention in general, after controlling for all other factors in the model. It was also found that the level to which social and Author: Kyle Demitri Warren Mar 09,  · The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between student retention and social and academic engagement and how it varies by academic discipline. Research indicates that students may have varied experiences within higher education based on their academic discipline. Such varied experiences may be due to integration factors related to their social and academic experience

Can Retention Be Good for a Student? | Free Essay Example

Retention has been found to have negative impacts on student victims while trying to help them in learning, although the current curriculum is stuck to this practice. These negative dissertation student retention include emotional harm, and further deterioration of performance.

For example, according to this body, dissertation student retention, retention was rated by 6 th grade students as causing stress even more than loosing a parent or being blind.

Another negative impact associated with retention is more likelihood of drop outs of victim students National Center for Education Statistics, Students who are retained are not given extra help just another year to be in the same grade doing the same hard work while their peers are ahead of them. They are more likely to be made fun of and to become withdrawn. In addition, the parents can fight policies which are there to ensure mandatory retention Wrightslaw, dissertation student retention, Retention therefore is not good for students, and alternatives need be emphasized.

Research supports alternatives that promote the cognitive as well as the social competence and contribute to better outcome NASP, This paper seeks to look into the issue of retention, discuss the requirements for it, the current practice for retention, dissertation student retention, the pros and cons of retention and the way forward to the current practice.

The use of grade retention has also gone up over the last 25 years according to National Association of School Psychologists The requirement to have retention in schools is described in the No Child Left Behind Act. George Miller contributed to the formation of the No Child Left Behind Act in and in the following year, it was accented by the President Bush to become a new law. The No Child Left Behind championed to increase accountability of schools and teachers to performance of the individual children, ensure and increase individual performance, improve reporting of the individual performance reporting to parents for easy assessment by the parents, and also sought to solve some issues related to the disabled children like the evaluation.

The law has however received criticism on the basis that it puts pressure on and encourages teachers to teach what will be examined so that they perform best and hence the teachers will not be blamed for failure. Another criticism is that it reduces learning and the effective instruction because states may reduce the achievement goal, dissertation student retention, since the states are mandated to set the achievement goals in their part, dissertation student retention.

Teachers also tend to apply the methods that have been proved as having worked. If learning and the effective instruction in the education system are gradually eroded, the final products of the system may not serve the intended purpose. In addition, teaching must be diversified while being delivered so as to offer more than what is required by the curriculum and hence the need to have them teach only or much of what is examinable must be avoided at all cost.

Continued criticism must be accompanied with research evidence so as to dissertation student retention as the basis for making the necessary changes in order to ensure that the problems dissertation student retention are solved.

Thus research holds an important position in ensuring that the contentious issues related to the law are identified, analyzed, and a basis to ensuring that the means to a good end are sought through possible alternatives is set.

Research must be linked with practice so as to achieve the desired results through planning and careful implementation of education programs. Annual progress is assessed by the state through use of academic indicators for elementary and middle schools while high schools should include graduation rates.

Schools receiving Title 1 funds are required to allow students to move from their current schools if no improvement is made after two years GAO, It can be found that retention is itself not fair if applied equally through the country because other factors come to destabilize such a possibility of equality.

To retain students, the schools may therefore find themselves in an effort of ensuring students excel by any efforts. In addition, a teacher who has students recording no improvement may be perceived as not performing and therefore teachers may do anything to achieve improved results.

One of the problems of retention is that it stresses children because of the threats issued after they fail to reach certain percentiles to the extent that they fear retention more than loss of parent or even blindness by the time they reach 6 th grade, dissertation student retention. This is a psychological negative impact of retention. According to Jimerson, ; qtd. Students would also, according to these authors face other problems such as stigmatization by their peers.

In addition, those with behavioral and reading problems are more likely to be retained. In this category also lie those who display immaturity and aggression. It can therefore be concluded that it is not fair to apply the requirement with retention across all groups of students without special dissertation student retention being put in dissertation student retention to reduce the discrepancies.

Retention cannot be an all-for-good solution because these problems will still remain after retention, dissertation student retention. Subsequent retention is therefore more likely to occur to these groups of individuals who will end up becoming more psychologically affected for their performance through humiliation. It has been proved through research that positive results may be evident after the first year of retention and deteriorate after years of retention to result in further poor performance or no better changes in performance NASP, These students would therefore drop from school so as to run away from these problems.

The aforementioned author indicates that dissertation student retention were able to experience negative impacts on the social-emotional adjustments including their ability to relate, self esteem Whitney, and behavior problems. This was found in a result for an analysis that involved 19 empirical studies that considered retention outcomes and matched them with those of students that were promoted carried out in s at the elementary level.

Children who encountered delayed entry in kindergarten or retention had a dissertation student retention chance of dropping out of school than their counterparts who had never been retained even when achievement levels were controlled. Further, in addition to the possibility of dropping out of school before reaching 19 years, dissertation student retention, retention was likely to cause student victims experience other problems like lower levels of academic adjustment and a lower likelihood for dissertation student retention a diploma by the age of 19 years.

These children would also more likely receive lower grading after secondary school, low competence rating as employees, be unemployed, be in prison and low wages per hour as compared to promoted low achievers who are comparable to other peers at age 20 NASP, Further, the likelihood of children finally dropping out of school as need to run away from humiliation, acting in sadness associated with being behind in grade than their peers, stigmatization also exist. Embarrassments, anger among others are the characters Students promoted without the academic skills, dissertation student retention.

Research has also found that social promotion can negatively influence the students and concluded that it is not a cheap option for retention, dissertation student retention. Social promotion refers to a situation where the child would be passed to the next grade even without having qualified if he fails to satisfactorily make improvements.

Retention has been indicated to possibly cause positive effects when it is applied for those students who lacked opportunity for instruction yet were able to make it through. Research has indicated that retention may have positive impacts on the first year. This can be used dissertation student retention a starting point where students would be retained in the first year and if they fail to make sufficient improvement to have necessary alternatives take over.

Again, dissertation student retention, retention can be effective if specialized remedies are applied to ensure that special cases are attended to, for example skill and behavioral deficits NASP, dissertation student retention, While retention may have negative impacts, it is necessary to note that students who would be promoted having not attained the grade will still have the problem.

It is therefore important to seriously look for the alternative solutions which can be applied to solve the problem, other than forwarding it. Research has proposed there be intervention strategies that make social and cognitive development possible.

In addition, it is recommended that there will be follow-up strategies and early interventions, dissertation student retention. Development of effective instruction need be by tactics which are based on extensive research which provides well researched and evidence-based for the strategies for development and that deal with retention and social promotion. Parents must be made dissertation student retention realize that they need to participate in the academics and development of their sons.

In this line, dissertation student retention, they need to link with teachers and access their children on a personal level by requiring assessment reports and progress of their children frequently, supervise homework, and encourage their sons and daughters to dissertation student retention hard. Parents need to collaborate with other people like psychologists to make sure the actual problems their sons or daughters have are identified and resolved or dealt with through interventions that are not retention or social promotion solutions.

In conclusion, although some people think that students should be retained dissertation student retention they are behind academically. Retention can be emotionally harmful to a student for two main reasons. First, chances of dropping out for the retained students are very high.

Secondly, problems may not end after all. Most importantly, Students become sad, angry, and embarrassed about being behind their peers.

There are alternatives out there that are research-based that can prevent students from dropping out and emotionally harming them. Let us try these options. Gabrielle E. Anderson, dissertation student retention, Angela D. Jimerson, NCSP. Grade Retention Achievement and Mental Health Outcomes. This article consist material discussing retention as proved by researchers and studies as ineffective, but discuses the weakness of the research.

However, the article supports poor performance of students after retention after some time couple of years. In addition to discussing long-time impacts of retention as being negative, the article also discuses the impacts of retention on mental health as negative.

The articles also discuses the alternatives to retention, the role of parents and tutors. Dissertation student retention, NCSP Santa Barbara. This amazing article was written by the National Association of school psychologist NASP which represents school psychology and supports dissertation student retention psychologists everywhere.

In the article it explains the problems it causes to youths emotionally. More fear of retention than loosing a parent or going blind states 6 th graders, dissertation student retention. In the end this article was a great resource to show that retention is not good for students.

National Center for Education Statistics. This is an exceptional resource for educational statistics on the condition of American education. The National Center for Education Statistics NCES is used by many agencies. The NCES shows a study spanning 9 years that illustrates extensive research in students retained between the ages ofbetween the grades of thrace, ethnicity, gender, family income.

National Association of school psychologist Position Statement on Student Grade Retention and Social Promotion. National Association of school psychologist NASP represents school psychology and supports school psychologists to enhance the learning and mental health of all children and youth.

The NASP represents over 26, dissertation student retention, school psychologists from across dissertation student retention United States and other countries. Education faces the challenges of students not performing up to academic standards, the impact of mental health issues as the implementation of key legislation such as No Child Left behind.

This is a great resource for the psychological statistics of who is at risk for grade retention. NASP urges schools and parents to seek alternatives to retention that more effectively address the specific instructional needs of academic underachievers. Stump Colleen, Ph. D Repeating a Grade: The Pros and Cons.

This is an exceptional article from an author who is a part of an amazing non profit organization dedicated to children in preschool through graduation, dissertation student retention. The organization called Great schools can help any parent find schools in different cities, dissertation student retention, help with providing information on tutoring, moving, dissertation student retention, learning disabilities and more. Whitney, dissertation student retention, S. New Hampshire.

She presents information dissertation student retention the law, what schools must do prior to selecting retention and research about retention.

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"A Study on the Influence of Social and Academic Integration on Student" by Kyle Demitri Warren

dissertation student retention

This thesis is a result of six years of work that involved several people to bring it to a successful completion. I am greatly indebted to my Retention of students can occur for several reasons, however the two most commonly used are when students fail to meet the requirements of school set Thank you for your assistance! I ordered two papers and received perfect results. I know that it is a time consuming job Dissertation Student Retention to write dissertations. I had no time to compete my dissertation, but my friend recommended this website. Dissertation Student Retention The second paper I ordered was a research report on history The only Dissertation + Student Retention difference is that you will get the work done faster but for a slightly higher fee. Same as usual, no Dissertation + Student Retention copy-paste, no hackwork, no tricks. Meticulous writing and champion time-management are the two perks that help beat the clock

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