Saturday, November 27, 2021

Doctoral thesis procedure

Doctoral thesis procedure

doctoral thesis procedure

Step 1: entry into the doctorate list. Step 2: opening of the doctorate procedure. Step 3: the doctorate colloquium. Step 4: publication of the thesis (the last steps to receiving the doctorate certificate) In addition, the doctoral regulations require doctoral candidates to register for the Ph.D. thesis procedure Summary of the procedure 1. Submission of the thesis After completing 15 ECTS in doctoral courses and receiveing the approval of the Thesis Director, the doctoral student shall submit the following to the Ph.D. Programme Coordinator ( The student will take two copies of the thesis to the Graduate School, Office of the Dean, along with a completed copy of the Thesis Contract Form. The Chairperson of the Graduate Committee will inform the advisor of the Clinical Behavioral program and the Head of the Department. The completed thesis will be placed in the department’s Thesis file

Doctoral Thesis Policy and Procedures - The University of Auckland

Doctoral theses undertaken by doctoral candidates governed by programme regulations that came into effect in or after Note: All other doctoral candidates should consult the relevant programme regulations and associated policies, procedures and guidelines.

To specify the policy and procedures that apply to doctoral theses undertaken by doctoral candidates governed by programme regulations that came into effect in or after Candidates are required to submit a doctoral thesis for examination under the applicable degree regulations and procedures, doctoral thesis procedure.

A doctoral thesis must be a substantial presentation of the outcome of an original and coherent doctoral research project. It must situate the doctoral research in the broader framework of the disciplinary field s of study.

A doctoral thesis must demonstrate the research achievements of an individual. Where doctoral research involves the contributions of others, those contributions must be clearly identified in accordance with clause 22 of the procedures below. The thesis requirement at clause 1 must be satisfied by the submission of a cohesive written document.

Subject to the PhD Including Scholarly Creative Work Policy and Procedure sscholarly creative work doctoral thesis procedure or otherwise that forms doctoral thesis procedure integrated whole with the written document may be submitted for examination as part of the thesis requirement for the PhD.

Subject to clause 14a, and excepting doctoral thesis procedure of other work, which must be fully and appropriately attributed and referenced, the candidate must have written the text of the thesis. All third party editing and proof-reading must be conducted in accordance with the Third Party Editing and Proofreading of Theses and Dissertations Guidelines.

Subject to clause 10, the thesis is to be presented and examined in English unless otherwise approved by the Board of Graduate Studies or delegate in accordance with clauses of the procedures below. Subject to clause 12, doctoral thesis procedure, the work submitted for examination in fulfilment of the thesis requirement, including all appendices and references, must not exceedwords except as doctoral thesis procedure pursuant to clause 13 of this policy or by the PhD Including Scholarly Creative Work Policy and Procedure s.

Where doctoral programme regulations specify a word limit lower than that at clause 11 of this policy, the programme regulations prevail, and the specified word length includes all appendices and references. In exceptional academic circumstances, and subject to clauses of the procedures below, the Board of Graduate Studies or delegate may give permission for a thesis to exceed the word length specified in the doctoral programme regulations.

The written document submitted in fulfilment of the thesis requirement may include one or more publications subject to the following conditions:. The candidate must be the sole or lead author of the work. All co-authors, and the publisher where work has been published or accepted for publication, must agree to the inclusion of the publication in the thesis prior to submission of the thesis for examination, doctoral thesis procedure.

In addition to satisfying clause 2 of this policy, the thesis must, with regard to the inclusion of introductory, doctoral thesis procedure, concluding and methodological discussions, and literature review, conform to the disciplinary norm for theses that do not include publications.

The thesis remains subject to clause 20 of this policy and must be presented throughout in a consistent format, citation style and typeface, doctoral thesis procedure. There is no requirement as to the number of publications, or as to the journal ranking or impact factor associated with any journal publication, included in accordance with clause The opportunity to include one or more publications in accordance with clause 14 in no way mitigates the statutory requirements for doctoral candidates to undertake, and present the outcome of, doctoral thesis procedure, a coherent doctoral research project.

Candidates including publications in accordance with clause 14 are not required doctoral thesis procedure include a publication in its entirety and may revise previously published material for the purposes of updating or improving material as well as for the purposes of clause 14e.

The written document presented in fulfilment of the thesis requirement doctoral thesis procedure be formatted in accordance with clauses of the procedures below. The thesis must comply with the Third Party Copyright Guidelines. If scholarly creative work submitted as part of the thesis requirement includes co-produced work, the approval of co-producers is required in the Statement of Contribution required under clause 22 of the procedures below.

The statement of contribution must be included within the thesis submission, pre and post examination, as per clause 35 of these procedures. Candidates seeking to submit a thesis in a language other than English must normally apply to do so at the time of application for admission to the doctoral programme, doctoral thesis procedure. Applications to submit a thesis in a language other than English or Te Reo Māori will only be considered on grounds related to the thesis topic and field of study, doctoral thesis procedure.

The English language capacity of the candidate is not grounds for consideration. Applications to submit a thesis in a language other doctoral thesis procedure English must be accompanied by the recommendation of the proposed main or joint supervisor.

Unless permitted by the PhD Including Scholarly Creative Work Policy and Procedurescandidates seeking to exceed the word limit at clause 11 of the above policy must apply to the School of Graduate Studies.

Applications to exceed the word limit at clause 11 of the above policy doctoral thesis procedure be made solely on academic grounds and must be accompanied by a statement of support from the main or joint supervisor detailing the exceptional nature of the academic circumstances. The Board of Graduate Studies or delegate will determine the outcome of applications made under clauses of these procedures. The font used must be black and, doctoral thesis procedure, in the main text of the thesis, equivalent to either 12 point Times New Roman or 10 point Arial, doctoral thesis procedure.

Footnotes or endnotes may be of a smaller font size but must be easily readable by examiners. Line spacing must be no less than 1.

APA, Chicago, MLA, MHRAthe choice of which must be determined in accordance with disciplinary norms. Title page required; not numbered and not counted in pagination. Abstract required; numbered in Roman numerals. Dedication optional; not numbered and not counted in pagination. Acknowledgements optional; numbered in Roman numerals.

Table of contents required; numbered in Roman numerals. Lists of tables, figures, etc. Glossary optional; numbered in Roman numerals. Statement of Contribution where required doctoral thesis procedure clause 22 of these procedures; numbered in Roman numerals. Main text of thesis required; numbered in Arabic numerals starting at 1. Appendices optional; numbering continued from main text in Arabic numerals. The thesis title must be centred in the top third of the title page and must describe the content of the thesis accurately.

The following text must be completed and placed in the lower third of the title page:, doctoral thesis procedure. A thesis submitted in [partial] fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of [name of your degree] in [ subject doctoral thesis procedure ], the University of Auckland, [year of completion], doctoral thesis procedure. This thesis is for examination purposes only and is confidential to the examination process.

The final sentence must be removed prior to final doctoral thesis procedure of the thesis post examination. The abstract must be a succinct summary, of no doctoral thesis procedure than words, of the aim, methods, findings and conclusions of the doctoral research. Any logical system of subdivision within chapters or sections appropriate to the disciplinary fields may be used. Where a glossary is included to define or explain specialised terms, symbols and abbreviations, any abbreviations or symbols used must conform to disciplinary norms and must be listed individually, with the abbreviated form starting from the left-hand margin followed by the full form to its right.

Where appendices are used for any additional material that does doctoral thesis procedure fit conveniently or appropriately in the body of the text, each appendix must be labelled in sequence, either with capital letters or with numerals. Doctoral candidates are students who are enrolled in doctoral degrees at the University. It comprises the academic head, an associate dean or director, and the Academic Head Nominee, doctoral thesis procedure. Joint supervisor refers to the joint supervisor with primary responsibility for administrative requirements.

Main supervisor is the lead doctoral thesis procedure who takes doctoral thesis procedure responsibility for the supervision of a candidate. Oral Examination Committee is the committee, doctoral thesis procedure, distinct from the Examination Committee, formed for the purpose of the oral examination. It comprises the independent chair, oral examiner and the Academic Head Nominee. Publications include any work that has appeared in a journal, book or other publication, and any work submitted or accepted for publication but which had not doctoral thesis procedure at the time of submission of the thesis, doctoral thesis procedure.

Thesis is a substantial presentation of the outcome of an original and coherent doctoral research project. It situates the research in the broader framework of the disciplinary field sand entails a cohesive written document.

PhD Statute. PhD Including Scholarly Creative Work Policy and Procedures. Third Party Copyright Guidelines, doctoral thesis procedure. Third Party Editing and Proofreading of Theses and Dissertations Guidelines.

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Doctoral Thesis Policy and Procedures, doctoral thesis procedure. Application Doctoral theses undertaken by doctoral candidates governed by programme regulations that came into effect in or after Purpose To specify the policy and procedures that apply to doctoral theses undertaken by doctoral candidates governed by programme regulations that came into effect in or after Policy General requirements 1. Thesis length Inclusion of published work The written document submitted in fulfilment doctoral thesis procedure the thesis requirement may include one or more publications subject to the following conditions: a.

Formatting Copyright Procedures Statement of contribution Doctoral thesis procedure Page numbers must be located in a consistent position throughout the thesis. The order of material in a thesis must be as follows: a.

The following text must be completed and placed in the lower third of the title page: A thesis submitted in [partial] fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of [name of your degree] in [ subject area ], the University of Auckland, [year of completion]. Definitions The following definitions apply to this document: Candidate doctoral thesis procedure a candidate for a doctoral degree at the University, doctoral thesis procedure.

Subject area is the official subject area in which the candidate is enrolled. Key relevant documents PhD Statute PhD Including Scholarly Creative Work Policy and Doctoral thesis procedure Third Party Copyright Guidelines Third Party Editing and Proofreading of Theses and Dissertations Guidelines Statement of Contribution.

Document management and control Content manager: School of Graduate Studies Owner: Dean of Graduate Studies Approved by: Board of Graduate Studies, Senate and Council Date approved: October Review date: October FOR Future undergraduates Future postgraduates Current students Staff Alumni and friends Business, employers and community Parents and family The media.

Faculties, institutes, campuses and library Faculty of Arts Business School Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries Faculty of Education and Social Work Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Law Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Faculty of Science Liggins Institute Auckland Bioengineering Institute Campuses Libraries and Learning Services Auckland UniServices Ltd Doctoral thesis procedure information

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, time: 33:37

doctoral thesis procedure

Step 1: entry into the doctorate list. Step 2: opening of the doctorate procedure. Step 3: the doctorate colloquium. Step 4: publication of the thesis (the last steps to receiving the doctorate certificate) In addition, the doctoral regulations require doctoral candidates to register for the Ph.D. thesis procedure Summary of the procedure 1. Submission of the thesis After completing 15 ECTS in doctoral courses and receiveing the approval of the Thesis Director, the doctoral student shall submit the following to the Ph.D. Programme Coordinator ( The student will take two copies of the thesis to the Graduate School, Office of the Dean, along with a completed copy of the Thesis Contract Form. The Chairperson of the Graduate Committee will inform the advisor of the Clinical Behavioral program and the Head of the Department. The completed thesis will be placed in the department’s Thesis file

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