Harvard Writing Resources Strategies for Essay Writing: These concise explanations provide advice on some fundamental elements of academic writing May 07, · Essays are brief, non-fiction compositions that describe, clarify, argue, or analyze a subject. Students might encounter essay assignments in any school subject and at any level of school, from a personal experience "vacation" essay in middle school to a complex analysis of a scientific process in graduate blogger.comtion: Education Expert May 27, · May 27, by Prasanna. Natural Resources Essay: Our survival has always wholly depended on the natural resources of the Earth. The natural resources are the blessing of Mother Nature that has provided us with abundant elements to make our life comfortable and prosperous. Natural resources are all those things that are readily present in the environment like air, water, sunlight, Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources: 8 Selected Essays
Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources! These essays will also guide you to learn about the causes, consequences, prevention and conservation essay resources natural resources. Contents List of Essays on Depletion of Natural Resources Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — 10 Lines on the Depletion of Natural Resources Written in English Essay 1 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — Short Essay for Children Essay 2 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — Causes and Prevention Essay 3 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — For School Students Class 5, essay resources, 6, 7, 8, 9, essay resources, 10, 11 and 12 Standard Essay 4 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources Essay 5 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — Causes and Conservation Essay 6 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — For College and University Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources — Long Essay for Competitive Exams like IAS, Essay resources, UPSC and Civil Services Essay 8 — Words.
Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 5, 6, 7, essay resources, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Essay resources and college students. Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, essay resources, IPS and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays. Depletion of natural resources will eventually lead to a world with lesser elements to survive and makes human life a hardship.
Natural resources are the ones that maintain equilibrium in the environment and life. Natural resources like air, water, essay resources, solar energy, essay resources, soil, minerals, coal, etc. Depletion of natural resources will completely stun the day to day life of a human being as well as fellow living things. The depletion of natural resources occurs when we vigorously use the available ones at a rapid speed, essay resources.
Some of these non-renewable resources like coal, minerals, etc. Unsustainable use of these natural resources due to the demand and increase in population has also resulted in depletion of natural resources, essay resources. Essay resources to the renewable sources is one of the many ways to save natural resources from depletion. In order to save this depletion of natural resources, we humans should find out and execute more sustainable and nonpolluting ways to use these natural resources.
Natural resources are provided by Mother Nature to enable the survival of living things and the sustenance of the ecosystem, essay resources. Depletion of natural resources is the increased consumption of resources that overlaps the replenishment of those resources. The depletion of natural resources occurs due to significant increase in the dependents of the natural resources without an increase in the sources of resources, essay resources.
It can be a devastating problem to the ecosystem because the resources necessary for survival and depletion will cause significant loss of living things, essay resources. Increased population of essay resources that are dependent on the same natural resources cause faster consumption of those resources and results in depletion.
The other cause is unnecessary consumption essay resources resources and wastefulness. Environmental pollution also causes depletion of natural resources through contamination. When natural resources essay resources contaminated, they will be no longer fit for consumption. Deforestation is a major cause of depletion of natural resources. Deforestation results in loss of habitat, food and destruction of the ecosystem.
Drought is brought about by deforestation. Drought is an extreme of depletion of water in the environment. Essay resources will be a loss of biodiversity due to death and extinction of living organisms, essay resources.
Natural disasters like drought will also occur upon depletion of natural resources. In conclusion, the depletion of natural resources is a serious concern because of the adverse effects it has on the ecosystem. Controlled essay resources of resources is to be encouraged.
Depletion of natural resources is undoubtedly the product of massive urbanization and industrialization. It occurs due to the continuous, essay resources, extensive, and irresponsible use by humans disregarding future consequences, essay resources.
As the earth population exceeds 7 billion, the overpopulation is one of the significant reasons for depletion of essay resources resources, essay resources. Wastage and overconsumption tend to contribute to the reasons why natural resources will exhaust in the future.
Erosion, pollution, and contamination of resources sum up why natural resources will be scarce shortly. The following natural resources might get a hit and will get exhausted in the near future if we continue to exploit it without any consideration for the future generation and existence of the planet earth. Water, the essential natural resources will be at stake essay resourcesas scientists apprehend that almost 1.
With that said, if the demand increases, this timeframe will essay resources. The present hydrocarbon content of the world, million tonnes is enough to meet the demand but only up to the next 46 years. When the stock finishes, transportation will be hampered. The reserve of natural gas will serve till the next Fishermen report that the catch they depend upon for their living is gradually decreasing, essay resources.
If not cultured naturally, some essay resources of seafood will actually diminish soon. Well, the answer is embracing a nature-friendly lifestyle and shifting to renewable and sustainable energy resources like solar power, wind, essay resources, and hydropower, we can at least slow down the depletion of natural resources.
Depletion of natural resources can be described as a situation where natural resources are consumed faster than they can be replaced or replenished. Natural resources are not always available in infinite quantity. Though they are replaceable, essay resources, this process takes a long time.
For essay resources, it takes hundreds of years to replace crude oil reserves. It also takes many years to grow a tree into maturity.
The important question now becomes — are we consuming these resources at the same rate at which we use them? The answer to that is definitely negative. Though natural resources can be renewable and nonrenewable, depletion of natural resources affects both. The causes of depletion of natural resources could sometimes be man-made and in other cases, unavoidable, essay resources. We would, however, concern ourselves with only the man-made causes of natural resources depletion.
This is a situation whereby the number of people living in a place falls below the number of resources available in that community. The implication is that natural resources get consumed faster than they can be produced. One might be quick to assume that deforestation only affects trees. This is however far from the truth. Deforestation reduces animal life expectancy and more importantly, it destroys our ecosystem thereby affecting other natural resources.
Pollution of various kinds damages natural resources making it difficult for the resources to be produced in good condition. For instance, soil pollution affects plant life making it difficult for trees to grow. Though essay resources extract natural resources from the ground through mining for human consumption.
Essay resources time we get something from the ground, we hasten up the depletion process. Protecting The Trees — This involves several coordinated efforts aimed at reducing the number of tree cutting.
It includes sensitizing the populace about the dangers of tree cutting and encouraging them to plant more trees. Recycle — Recycling reduces waste and also reduces essay resources number of toxic materials in our land water and air. Less toxicity leads to less depletion. Depletion of natural resources affects everyone. The food we eat, the water we drink, the fuel we consume all comes from the natural resources. If we lose these resources life becomes difficult for everyone.
So we need to be essay resources and promote sustainable use of natural resources. In ancient times, people used energy only for daily activities, such as lighting, guarding, and cooking. But as the development took place, in terms of industrial revolution and urbanization, animals were domesticated for household and farming activities and later as the industrial revolution took place, humans used a lot of essay resources drawn from the natural essay resources. This is precisely the depletion of natural resources.
Earth has two types of natural resources, those that can be replenished despite continuous usage like sunlight, tidal energy, etc. Explosive growth in the human population had led to population overconsumption. This leads to the depletion of natural resources. Population explosion — The increased growth of population demand supply of energy and resources for their survival. To quench the demand, natural resources are depleted.
Environmental pollution — Extensive activities on earth essay resources humans have caused polluted environment. The production of uncountable pollutants by us not only makes the environment hazardous, but also the pollution of various natural resources like air, water, soil, essay resources, and land, thereby leading to the depletion of natural resources available in the environment. The industrial revolution and urbanization by clearing the forested areas deplete the biological resources of the earth.
Population over consumption — The demand of resources for a population becomes higher than it actually requires. This is because the human population uses resources and energy as a desired demand commodity to live a very sophisticated life. Natural calamities —Calamities like Tsunami, storms, essay resources, earthquake deplete a whole lot of natural resources.
Fortunately or unfortunately, this is the only cause that humans have no control on, to save the resources from depletion. Climatic change — Global warming is a phenomenon that the environmentalists are talking about. This alters the survivability of various species and leads to extinction of many threatened or near-threatened species.
It has essay resources evidently clear that we are facing a threat in terms of natural resources. With the current higher rate of depletion of the essay resources resources, it is feared that in a few years, we may not have resources to be utilized for our survival.
We must know that nature has its own balancing concept. But as we have been continuously abusing nature, a serious imbalance is in effect. We must be essay resources to take up the arduous task of conserving the natural resources. Planting trees, minimizing energy wastage, conserving water and avoiding the wastage of water, conserving electricity at home and workplace, essay resources of alternative and cleaner energy, replacement of the extraneous energy using equipment with eco—friendly and efficient energy conserving gadgets and equipment, essay resources, are few steps that we can start doing at local levels to prevent and conserve the natural resources from depletion, essay resources.
Depletion of natural resources is the cause of serious concern for the world. Natural resources, essay resources, as the name suggests, are the materials and sources of energy which are found naturally on earth. There are two major types of natural resources.
The first one is known as the non-renewable or conventional sources of energy. Depletion of natural resources is applicable to this category.
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, time: 4:21The Definition of an Essay Including Writing Resources
Harvard Writing Resources Strategies for Essay Writing: These concise explanations provide advice on some fundamental elements of academic writing Oct 19, · Essay 1 ( words) Natural resources are those precious gifts for us that are much important for living on this earth. These are air, water, land, trees, wood, soil, minerals, petroleum, metals and sunshine. These resources cannot be created or produced by human being but just can be modified in different manner so that we can use it in better way. Types of Resources Essay on Depletion of Natural Resources – Causes and Conservation (Essay 6 – Words) Natural Resources: Depletion of natural resources is the cause of serious concern for the world. Natural resources, as the name suggests, are the materials and sources of energy which are found naturally on earth. There are two major types of natural blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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