Apr 20, · The discussion chapter is the problem child of the thesis. The chapter most likely to provoke fear, uncertainty and doubt. Not everyone writes a chapter called "discussion", but everyone has to do discussiony bits because, well - that's where the creative magic of the PhD happens. The discussion section is scary because you have to Aug 12, · Steps of How to Write Dissertation Discussion Chapter. Provide a Summary of Your Findings. Start your discussion by providing a summary of the key findings of your research questions. Avoid repeating the Interpretations of Results. Looking for Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins Nov 16, · “Perceptions of the Difficulties of Postgraduate L2 Thesis Students Writing the Discussion Section.” Journal of English for Academic Purposes 5 (January ): ; Kretchmer, Paul. Fourteen Steps to Writing an Effective Discussion Section. San Francisco Edit,
12 Steps to Write an Effective Discussion Chapter - Dissertation Genius
A discussion section is an essential part of any PhD dissertation or thesis. In this chapter, students need to provide a detailed interpretation of the data they have gathered in the process of their investigation and discuss the research results, taking into account all the limitations of their study. Many students face difficulties when working on this part of their dissertation where they need to demonstrate strong analytical and critical thinking skills and to prove that their study has made a contribution to the existing research in their field.
In this article, you will find some useful how to write discussion for dissertation on how to write a convincing discussion section that can help you cope with this challenging task. You can also get professional assistance with writing a discussion section if you hire a writer on our website.
The aim of writing a discussion section is to interpret and evaluate the results and analyze how they help to answer the research question or prove the hypothesis. Besides, you have to justify your approach and explain how it relates to the literature review, how to write discussion for dissertation.
Keep in mind that a discussion chapter is always connected to the introduction because it relates to the research question or hypothesis you formulated and the literature you reviewed. There are different ways to write this chapter and the structure of discussion section may vary in different fields of study but typically it includes the following elements:.
This part must be started by restating the research problem and summarizing your findings briefly. Your task here isn't to repeat the data that was already mentioned but state clear results that provide an answer to the main research question of your work. Of course, the received results may be obvious and understandable to you, but your main task in the results section is to explain their importance to your readers and mention how these results help to answer the research question.
Depending on the type of your research, the form of how to write discussion for dissertation can be different, but here are some approaches you can use to interpret your data:. You can use the same structure as the results section. Any kind of research has its limitations. You need to acknowledge them to demonstrate the credibility of your work.
Remember that limitations are not showing your mistakes but providing a clear picture of what your research can and cannot conclude. Limitations may appear due to your research methodology, design, how to write discussion for dissertation, or other obstacles that occurred during the process of research. Your main goal here is just state limitations relevant to your research and define an impact they had on reaching the goals of your research. For example, if you experienced some problems when gathering or analyzing your data, you have to describe them and mention their influence on your research results.
In your work, you need not only give your interpretations but also relate your received data back to the previous research you have mentioned in the literature review section. Your discussion must reflect how your results fit with existing data, what new things they bring, and how they impact the current theory. We recommend asking the following questions:, how to write discussion for dissertation. Here your main goal is to explain to your readers what your work contributed and why it has importance, how to write discussion for dissertation.
You can give recommendations for further investigation based on the discussion of your results. Sometimes these recommendations can be given in the conclusion of your research. We suggest viewing your limitations to make direct recommendations for further research. As you see writing a discussion section of a dissertation is a complex and time-consuming process that requires dedication and a how to write discussion for dissertation of hard work. Not only you must present major results of your research in a convincing manner, but you must also demonstrate that your study has a real value and contributes to theory your field.
You should show that your research is original and make an effort to convince the committee to approve your dissertation. You have to provide a strong argument fully supported by lots of credible data and related to existing knowledge in your subject.
If you are stuck with writing a discussion section or any other dissertation chapter, talented writers from our professional dissertation writing service are ready to help you at every stage of the writing process.
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Dissertation Discussion Chapter: How To Write It In 6 Steps (With Examples)
, time: 19:50How To Write Dissertation Discussion Section | Top Tips

Read the journal’s guidelines on the discussion and conclusion sections. If possible, learn about the guidelines before writing the discussion to ensure you’re writing to meet their expectations. Begin with a clear statement of the principal findings. This will reinforce the main take-away for the reader and set up the rest of the discussion Apr 20, · The discussion chapter is the problem child of the thesis. The chapter most likely to provoke fear, uncertainty and doubt. Not everyone writes a chapter called "discussion", but everyone has to do discussiony bits because, well - that's where the creative magic of the PhD happens. The discussion section is scary because you have to Oct 25, · is a professional essay writing service that offers reasonable prices for high-quality writing, editing, and proofreading. How To Write The Discussion Of A Dissertation The service is an effective solution for those customers seeking excellent writing quality for less money. We guarantee % confidentiality and anonymity
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