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Category: Law Research Paper Examples. See our collection of law research paper examples. These example papers are to help you understanding how to write this type of written assignments. The importance of law is much more easily determined than its definition. Law is perhaps the most conspicuous arena wherein theory and practice meet Nov 25, · Examples of legal aspects that impact on business decision-making include employment law, sale of good laws, insurance law, law on product liability, tort law, property law, commercial law, law of agency, administrative law, e-commerce, law negotiable instruments and intellectual property law (Miller, , p. 5) Visit Library and use database: As Stated in the paragraph legal, there is some specific Online Search Engine for research subjects for example: SCC Online, VakilSearch: if you are example for Case law Kluwer Arbitration: If you are researching on Arbitration Manupatra: it provides papers across all subjects of law of Supreme Court, all Indian High Courts, Orders of the Tribunals, examples, research and
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