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Research paper on terrorism

Research paper on terrorism

research paper on terrorism

Aug 14,  · This paper demonstrates knowledge and assimilation of terrorism perspectives, counter- and anti-terrorism, and aspects relating to prediction, prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and post-response (recovery) activities and analyze it in terms of how it would be dealt with it in terms of a counterterrorism plan that includes orientation (diplomatic, military, law enforcement, etc.) and Abstract: The absence of a terrorism prevention architecture represents a major strategic-policy vulnerability in efforts to counter terrorism within the United States. This policy paper offers a framework of institutional and policy recommendations to help inform such a Terrorism Prevention strategy 1 day ago · Domestic Terrorism: The Forgotten Threat Research Paper Introduction. Terrorism is one aspect that poses the greatest risk to global security today (Pastor, , p). In Response by fire, police, medical personnel. Ideally, both biological and biochemical or terrorism attacks in any form

Terrorism Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

This sample terrorism research paper features: words approx. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. Terrorism is an interdisciplinary topic that requires the contributions of experts in the areas of history, political science, social science, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology, finance, strategic studies, international relations, research paper on terrorism, criminal justice, crime prevention and control, public safety, warfare, counterterrorism theory and practice, anthropology, languages, and cultural studies.

History, the social sciences, political science, and psychology are especially useful in understanding the origins, reasons, justifications, research paper on terrorism, motivations, and changes in the meaning and definition of terrorism. The recent emergence of terrorism, which is inspired by religious fundamentalism and ethnicseparatist elements rather than political ideology, serves as but one critical example of the complex nature of this phenomenon.

For these reasons, diverse theoretical approaches are needed to explain the worldwide growth and expansion of terrorism within the complex matrix of social, cultural, economic, religious, psychological, political, and strategic variables Ross ; Sharif Terrorism is political in its objectives and motives; violent or threatening violence; meant to have wide and deep psychological repercussions beyond the particular victim or target; committed by an organization with a command hierarchy that can be identified or a cell configuration that permits conspiratorial activities; and carried out by a subnational group or nonstate body.

Thus, research paper on terrorism can be defined as the deliberate generation, instillation, and exploitation of fear into a competing group, party, government, or public opinion through violence or the threat of violence with the goal of introducing political change Noble Terrorists may be loners or people working in cells, small groups, or large coalitions.

They do not answer to nor are they dependent on any government, they function across national borders, use advanced technology, and receive funding from anywhere in the world. Contemporary terrorists are not worried about limiting casualties. Current terrorism takes great advantage of ease and speed of travel, advanced communications and technology, anonymous financial transactions, research paper on terrorism, and scientific and technological breakthroughs that greatly facilitate its mission.

Indeed, globalization and religious extremism have greatly facilitated the activities of terrorism. The interest of the social sciences in terrorism dates back to the analysis by political sociologists of anarchism, revolutionary movements, and insurgencies.

Sociologists focusing on social change have also dedicated considerable space to the topic. In the past, Marxist and leftist sociologists addressed issues related to terrorism but did so within the context of liberation movements. The analysis and development of the area expanded in the s, spurred by the growth of terrorism in the Middle East, related especially to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; in Europe, particularly in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom Northern Irelandand Italy; and in various Latin American countries.

In South America, reformers involved in the liberation theology movement and the struggle for social and political change in the hemisphere also contributed to the field. Work on the phenomenon was no doubt influenced and colored by political currents such as Marxism and other left-leaning approaches that stressed themes related to the struggle of the oppressed against subjugation and exploitation by colonialism and capitalism.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, the center and center-right perspectives emphasized research paper on terrorism the darker, criminal, or antidemocratic side of terrorist activities. Sociology provided the conceptual approaches, theories, and tools to analyze, understand, and explain terrorism as a research paper on terrorism phenomenon and to formulate remedial and preventative interventions, research paper on terrorism.

The statutory definition that the U. By this definition, terrorism has several elements:. It is noteworthy that the definition does not include the threat of violence and thus serves to establish that terrorism is but one form of behavior along a continuum of possible political behaviors people engage in to express themselves and to cast attention toward the social, economic, and political conditions they desire to change.

In this area, research paper on terrorism, then, it is essential to bear in mind that terrorism is first and foremost a method that is centered on what people do rather than who they are and what they are attempting to achieve. Thus, counterterrorism can be viewed as an attempt to civilize the way in which a heated political contest is waged.

Terrorism is basically and fundamentally political in nature. It is also very much about power—that is, pursuing power, acquiring power, research paper on terrorism, and using power to cause political change. Consequently, terrorism is also violence or, just as importantly, the threat of violence used and aimed in the pursuit of or in the service of a political objective. The régime de la terreur of —, from which the English word originates, was established as a means to impose and consolidate power during the transient anarchical time of disorder and unrest that followed the revolution of One of the major outcomes of the French Revolution was the growing rejection of absolute monarchical systems that claimed to derive their authority directly from God and therefore to be entitled to a divine right to rule without constraints or limits.

It also inspired the overall political awakening of Europe. Independence and nationalist movements flourished and succeeded in creating modern nationstates in some parts of Europe, as in the case of Germany and Italy. At the same time, dramatic socioeconomic changes were taking place as a consequence of massive industrialization, particularly in England and Germany.

The most important ones are socialism and eventually communism. During this period of social change in Europe the concept of terrorism was expanded and elaborated on. Pisacane argued that violence is needed not only to attract attention to the cause or to generate publicity but to inform, educate, and, in the end, get the masses behind the revolution.

Pamphlets, wall posters, or gatherings will never effectively substitute for the didactic value of violence. Ironically, the success of the group in assassinating Tsar Alexander II on March 1,led to its research paper on terrorism suppression.

The message of Pisacane and of Narodnaya Volya deeply affected the growing anarchist movement. An anarchist conference in London in endorsed the killing of the tsar and supported the idea of tyrannicide as a means for achieving revolutionary change.

By the s, terrorism did not mean so much revolutionary movements and violence against governments or empires but rather the politics and practices of mass oppression and repression used by dictatorships and research paper on terrorism leaders against their own citizenry. In other words, it meant again, like at the end of the terror regime in France, governmental abuse of power as it was taking place especially in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Stalinist Soviet Union.

Research paper on terrorism forms of research paper on terrorism, imposed, or directed violence have taken place and are still occurring in various parts of the world. Violence has been a well-known aspect of right of center military dictatorships in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, research paper on terrorism in Chile, Argentina Buchanan ; CoxBrazil, Greece, Spain, Portugal, various African countries, research paper on terrorism, the Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, and Pakistan.

Use of violence and intimidation by government authorities against their own people is generally identified as terror to distinguish such behavior from terrorism or violence that is carried out by nonstate entities Moxon-Browne The meaning of terrorism changed once more after World War II, thereby reclaiming the revolutionary reputation with which it is associated today.

In the late s, s, and into the s, terrorism was connected with the uprisings by indigenous populations in various parts of the world—Africa, Asia, the Middle East—to expel European colonial powers from their countries. At times they involved long guerrilla wars or terrorism. Well-known examples are Algeria, Cyprus, Israel, Kenya, research paper on terrorism, and Vietnam.

Many nationalistic rebellions took the form of guerrilla war. The Cuban Revolution of became a model for left-wing ideologues as a struggle against capitalist powers. Because these movements were perceived internationally as a struggle for liberation, decolonization, and self-determination, thanks in part to adroit public relations campaigns by the insurgents and their supporters in the First World, the term freedom fighter became increasingly used to describe them.

At the end research paper on terrorism the s and into the s, terrorism was still viewed within a revolutionary framework even though usage of the term was expanded to encompass nationalist and ethnic separatist groups beyond a colonial or neocolonial context as well as radical and ideologically driven organizations. In particular, ethnic minorities seeking independence or autonomy used terrorism not only to inflict casualties and serious damage to the dominant group but also to attract international attention, sympathy, and aid.

More recently, the term terrorism has been used to describe broader, less narrow phenomena. In the early s, terrorism was considered a planned and calculated strategy to destabilize the Western world as part of a research paper on terrorism global conspiracy. Claire Sterling in her book The Terror Network described apparently isolated terrorist events committed by different groups around the globe that were actually connected elements of a secret plan, under the direction of the former USSR and implemented by its Warsaw Pact countries to annihilate the free world.

At the time the Cold War atmosphere offered the theory as appealing, particularly to the American and some western European governments. The communist conspiracy was eventually overshadowed in the mids when a series of suicide bombings aimed mostly at American diplomatic and military targets in the Middle East abruptly called attention to the growing menace of state-sponsored terrorism. Several renegade foreign governments such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Syria were suspected and accused of being actively involved in sponsoring or commissioning terrorist acts.

It presumably involved the use of drug trafficking to support and implement the objectives of certain governments and terrorist organizations, such as the Soviet Union, Cuba, Bulgaria, and Nicaragua.

But the emphasis on this supposed type of narco-terrorism may have effectively diverted attention from yet another emerging trend— namely, the alliance of criminal and violence-driven organizations with terrorist and guerrilla entities that employed violence not only for the advancement of their business activities but for achieving political ends as well. One of the best-known examples of this was the growing power and research paper on terrorism of the Colombian cocaine cartels with their close alliance with left-wing terrorist groups in Colombia and Peru Brown and Merrill Basically, this approach reflects the growing fluidity of subnational conflict in the post—Cold War era, research paper on terrorism.

Terrorism in this sense represents threats to the stability of nation-states by nonstate actors and violence affecting large regions of the world or major urban areas where the central government has lost its influence and control to new half-political, half-criminal groups. It also covers different types of conflicts that do not fit well into traditionally recognized concepts of war as the fighting between clearly marked armed forces of two or more countries.

It involves instead irregular forces as one or more of the combatants. The shift here is clearly toward nonstate conflict. Consequently, one could argue that terrorism is simply a manifestation of violence in a particular time period and thus it evolves and manifests itself in different ways, research paper on terrorism.

In a sense, terrorism is always changing Alexander and Latter ; Baumel, ; Coates ; Corcoran, ; Smith ; Stern ; Walter The United States research paper on terrorism the world, particularly the Western world, were awakened to the existence of a new form of terrorism based in the Middle East by a series of events that ultimately culminated in the September 11,catastrophic attacks in New York and Washington, D.

Since then, the names of Osama Bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda have become universally known and immediately connected with a violent struggle with an international reach and a strong religious dimension Stern against the United States and Western interests based in the Middle East.

The new terrorism has greater potential to cause damage to the United States, the West, and other countries, including parts of the Muslim world. The dangerous nature of the new terrorism stems from its being organized around loosely linked cells that do not depend on a single leader or a state sponsor.

It is transnational, borderless, and carried out by nonstate actors. The planned use of liquid explosives in London to down airplanes is the latest addition to the growing list of terrorist tools. Information technologies used by terrorists include the Internet, cellular phones, instant messaging, research paper on terrorism, and real-time photographic and filming capabilities.

Such capabilities have amplified the global reach of terrorist organizations. As but one example, hacking has been used. Internet sites have been placed under attack; Web sites have been hijacked or defaced; there are documented cases of denial of Internet service, automated e-mail bombings, and Web sitins. This has facilitated the tasks of the terrorists and allowed them to expand the range of their activities. In particular, the synchronization of terrorist attacks, such as those of September 11,and those on various U.

embassies in East Africa inwas made possible by the use of contemporary information technology Denning Globalization and the establishment of regional trading zones such as the European Union, Mercosur, the North American Free Trade Area, and others have made it easier for terrorists to expand their activities across international borders, borders that seemingly no longer exist.

Thus, terrorists recognize their efforts are less easily detected through the Internet. This has facilitated the territorial expansion of terrorist groups, assisted in the establishment of terrorist cells, and promoted free movement across vast regions of the world in the planning and execution of terrorist activities.

Technological innovations and the research paper on terrorism of financial operations worldwide have also assisted terrorists in expanding their operations.

These sources may include legal enterprises such as nonprofit and charitable organizations, legitimate companies, and illegal enterprises such as drug production, research paper on terrorism, trafficking, smuggling, bank robberies, fraud, kidnappings, and extortion.

Web sites have also been used to raise funds Center for Strategic and International Studies currency across the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Once the gold and currency arrived in Pakistan, they were swiftly transferred to the informal hawala or hundi banking system to other Middle Eastern countries. There it was converted into gold bullion and dispersed around the world. Additionally, terrorist funds have been converted into other commodities such as diamonds and tanzanite.

In general, terrorist groups, whose assets may be a small fraction of the total amount of funds moved daily by organized transnational crime groups, use a variety of vehicles for the transfer of money, from couriers to banks, money changing enterprises, and informal exchanges such as the hawala or hundi systems Viano

Global Research Network on Terrorism and Technology: The inaugural conference - Part 2

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Domestic Terrorism: The Forgotten Threat - Words | Research Paper Example

research paper on terrorism

The purpose of this research paper was to analyze the phenomenon of terrorist acts, and various strategies used to address the effect on tourism and the hospitality industry. The problem with terrorism in society is that terrorism strikes fear in everyone that is Abstract: This essay sets forth a research agenda to begin filling some key gaps in terrorism studies. Since the September Al Qaeda attacks against the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon that claimed over lives, interest in terrorism research has increased. After these attacks, the United States and other governments prioritized the scientific study of the causes of and responses to Terrorism Research Paper. Words4 Pages. b. United States’ Efforts. Since September 11th, there has been significant interest in terrorist funding, more specifically the moving of money through charities and charitable donations. After the attacks, the U.S. Treasury Department was primarily focused on the freezing of assets, with U.S. policy being “starving the terrorists of funding and shutting down the

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